Monthly Archive: September 2017

InVID at Investors Meeting for Media Innovators

InVID at Investors Meeting for Media Innovators

On 5th October 2017, Dr Lyndon Nixon will represent InVID at Investors Meeting for Media Innovators organised by the Support Action I3. Bringing together EU research projects from the ICT-19 call, media startups and investors, Dr Nixon will be available to demonstrate and explain InVID’s unique toolkit for verifying online video, starting with a media collection pipeline through annotation and analysis to forensic analysis. The media discovery and verification functionalities are intuitively put into the hands of journalists, news editors and other media professionals through a browser-based Dashboard, a Verification Plug-in and a Verification Application.

In the one day event, InVID hopes to learn more about how its innovative services and tools could be used to support other media startups (also outside of the verification domain) as well as understand what investment opportunities exist for future sustainability and exploitation of InVID project results.

The InVID Verification App in the Innovation Radar Prize 2017 of the EU Commission

The InVID Verification App has been short-listed for the Innovation Radar Prize 2017 of the EU Commission. The Innovation Radar initiative of the European Commission is actively identifying high potential EU-funded innovations and innovators and seeking to help them get their innovation “out of the lab” and into (or at least closer to) the market.

This application has been developed by Condat, to support journalists during the verification of user-generated videos. It integrates several tools and services of project partners CERTH, MODUL, EXO MAKINA and UdL, that allow the user to analyse the source, content, location, date and rights of the video, and relies on domain knowledge of project partners AFP and DW. Further details about this technology can be found here.

It would be great, if you could help us to improve the chances of the InVID Verification App to win the Innovation Radar Prize by VOTING here:

Screenshot of the InVID Verification App, showing the different tools for assessing the authenticity and veracity user-generated videos.

InVID at Brussels DisinfoLab event

InVID Verification Plugin at Brussels DisinfoLab event

The InVID project and the developed InVID Verification Plugin was presented on Thursday 14th of September at the Brussels DisinfoLab, which has been organized by Saper Vedere, a consulting startup specialized in social networks analysis. At this event, whose sub-headline is «a framework to fight fake news?», various initiatives to debunk fake news were presented from several institutions, labs and research institutes.

Denis Teyssou, the InVID Innovation Manager, demonstrated the use and functionality of the InVID Verification Plugin on recent fake videos published on various social networks. His presentation is available at the InVID SlideShare channel and the project website.

Further details about the context, the aim, the presented items and the next steps of the Brussels DisinfoLab event can be found here.