Tag Archive: invid products

The InVID product portfolio at I3 Investors Meeting for Media Innovators

InVID at Investors Meeting for Media Innovators

Dr. Lyndon Nixon from MODUL Technology, presented the InVID product portfolio at I3 Investors Meeting for Media Innovators that took place in London, UK, on 5th of October 2017.

The main goal of the InVID project “to provide journalists with the tools they need to verify the authenticity and trustworthiness of online videos from news events” was initially highlighted by Dr. Nixon. Following the main integrated technologies of the project, namely the InVID Dashboard, the InVID Verification Plugin and the InVID Verification Application, were presented to an audience comprised by members of other ICT-19 projects, start-ups and investors.

In the video below, you can see the part where the InVID product portfolio was discussed.


The slides of this presentation are also available.