InVID at ARD Verification meeting of public broadcasters. Mr. Ruben Bouwmeester from Deutsche Welle, a member of the InVID consortium, participated in the ARD verification meeting of public broadcasters in Germany, at SWR Mainz on 26 April 2016. Mr. Bouwmeester gave a general talk about verification activities, how this is tackled at media organisations, what initiatives there are (from tools to projects) and such like. His talk included mentioning of what we do in InVID with respect to video verification. The audience of the event was composed of hands-on journalists and verification experts.
InVID at EC preparatory meeting for WP 2018-2020. Mr. Jochen Spangenberg from Deutsche Welle and Mr. Denis Teyssou from Agence France-Presse, both members of the InVID consortium, were invited to and participated in the EC preparatory meeting for WP 2018-2020. The consultation was organised by “DG CONNECT / Converging Media and Content Unit G1″, in Brussels on 19 April 2016. Mr. Spangenberg and Mr. Teyssou brought into the discussions various aspects concerning verification of User Generated Content in general, and discussed what we do in InVID with individual participants.
InVID suggests CJ2016, the Computation + Journalism Symposium 2016. The symposium will be take place between September 30th and Oct. 1st of 2016, in the heart of Silicon Valey at Stanford University, Califonia, US. As stated by the organizers of this event “Data and computation drive our world, often without sufficient critical assessment or accountability. Journalism is adapting responsibly—finding and creating new kinds of stories that respond directly to our new societal condition. Join us for a two-day conference exploring the interface between journalism and computing” .
InVID at FKTG Yearly Conference. Mr. Dominik Zimmermann and Mr. Rolf Fricke from Condat AG, a member of the InVID consortium, will attend the FKTG (Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft e.V.) Yearly Conference that will be held in Leipzig, Germany on 9-11 May 2016 ( A presentation of the InVID project, focusing on the project’s goals and activities, will be done via oral and poster sessions of the conference, addressed to all major German TV/Radio organizations.
InVID at International Journalism Festival. Mr. Jochen Spangenberg and Mr. Ruben Bouwmeester from Deutsche Welle, a member of the InVID consortium, participated in the International Journalism Festival that was hosted in Perugia, Italy from 6-10 April 2016. On 7 April, Jochen spoke on a panel entitled “Automating verification – how far can we go?” (International Journalism Festival). Throughout the conference Jochen and Ruben discussed the technical aids for content verification and general verification issues with the global verification community.
The video of the whole panel session can be viewed at, while the part that Mr. Spangenberg refers to the InVID project can be seen in the video below:
InVID at EC Cluster Meeting. Vasileios Mezaris from CERTH-ITI, the InVID Project Coordinator, will present InVID at EC Cluster Meeting. The latter will take place in Brussels, Belgium on March 16 2016.
InVID at Computational Journalism Workshop. Mr. Denis Teyssou from Agence France-Presse, a member of the InVID consortium, took part at the Computational Journalism Workshop that was held in Rennes, France on March 15 2016 ( A presentation of the InVID project and the challenges ahead, accompanied by a couple of early prototypes videos (Twitter historical search and searching Youtube videos through thumbnail search) were given, highlighting the necessity for their automation. The audience of the workshop were journalists, scientists, technology experts and students. The slides of the presentation can be seen bellow:
InVID at Crossmedia Day. Mr. Jochen Spangenberg from Deutsche Welle, a member of the InVID consortium, will attend the Crossmedia Day that will take place in Leipzig, Germany on March 4 2016 ( At this conference, the need for verified User Generated Content (UGC) will be stressed, and the activities and plans of the InVID project at this direction will be promoted to a wide audience consisting of journalists, media folks, media strategists and managers.
InVID suggests SMnews 2016, the First “Social Media in the Newsroom” workshop (SMnews 2016) that will be co-located with the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016), and will take place in Cologne, Germany, on 17th May, 2016. More information can be found at:
InVID suggests SNOW 2016, the Third Workshop on Social News On the Web that is held in Montreal, Canada in conjunction with the 25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2016) on April 12th 2016. For further information about the workshop please follow the link:
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