InVID co-organized a Networking session at ICT 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
The session took place in Room L4 on December 5th. Positioned within the theme of “Inspiring a digital society”, it aimed to bring together participants with an interest in the highly important topic of online disinformation. It featured a number of experts presenting the latest scientific and technological advances that can help mitigate it, and propose solutions and initiatives that tackle information manipulation.
Key questions discussed during the session, included:
- the definition and types of mis/disinformation, case studies and lessons learned from past disinformation incidents;
- tools and services that can be used for debunking misleading online content and inaccurate information;
- latest scientific advances from the fields of artificial intelligence, web mining, big data, multimedia forensics, and social network analysis that can help tackle the problem;
- and open challenges and future research directions.
As presented in the agenda of this session, Dr. Symeon Papadopoulos from CERTH-ITI initiated the discussion with some opening remarks. Following, Dr. Vasileios Mezaris (also from CERTH-ITI) the Project Co-ordinator of the InVID project, presented the motivation, overall concept, main objectives and results of the project, which will be completed by the end of this year.

Dr. Vasileios Mezaris from CERTH-ITI, the Project Co-ordinator of InVID, presents the motivation, main objectives, ov erall approach and integrated results of InVID
Subsequently, Denis Teyssou from Agence France-Presse talked about the developed InVID Verification Plugin (which has been adopted by a wide community of more than 8.000 users so far) and described its integrated technologies that assist journalists to debunk fake videos shared online.

Denis Teyssou from Agence France Presse, introduces the InVID Verification Plugin as a verication “Swiss army knife” that helps journalists to save time and be more efficient in their fact-checking and debunking tasks on social networks.
In the sequel, Nikos Sarris from ATC and Jochen Spangenberg from Deutsche Welle discussed about Truly Media – a platform for collaborative verification of digital content – and its role in the European Disinformation Observatory.

Jochen Spangenberg from Deutsche Welle, talks about the characteristics of mis/disinformation.
The presentation part of the networking session was completed by the speech of Zlatina Marinova from OntoText, which was dedicated on a newly started H2020 project that also targets media verification, called “WeVerify: Wider and Enhanced Verification for You”.