
InVID presented at European Data Forum EDF 2016

InVID presented at European Data Forum EDF 2016

InVID presented at European Data Forum EDF 2016. The European Data Forum is the EC flagship event for Big Data and Data Science. Around 800 researchers and industry practitioners met to hear about the latest trends and innovations and exchange ideas and results. InVID was present among other EU projects and researchers in a poster space in the top ring of the architecturally interesting Evoluon centre in Eindhoven, Holland. During the two days of the event in June 2016, participants came by, saw the InVID poster and asked about the project. The verification aspect proved particularly significant, as the big data community largely focuses on how to collect, analyse and visualise data but less on how to verify whether the data is valid in the first place. Building on other projects that have begun to tackle this challenge on textual and image data (e.g. PHEME, REVEAL) the goal of InVID to verify video, the most rapidly growing media type on the Web today, attracted a great deal of interest. We look forward to following up with the EDF community in coming years with InVID demos.

Survey on copyright management of user generated video

Survey on copyright management of user generated video

Survey on copyright management of user generated video. The InVID project develops a social media video content verification platform to detect and verify newsworthy video files shared via social media. Besides verification of UGV, another issue that the news industry faces is how to ensure a correct management of copyright on such content is done, so that copyright infringement risks (claims and suits) can be minimised.

For that purpose, InVID platform includes a UGV rights management tool that aims at ensuring, as far as possible, a legal use of UGV. The process aims at collecting as much information as possible from metadata on social media content (UGV), as well as from exchanges between UGV creators and the platform, providing clear indications on re-use conditions, limits and/or risks, and allowing licences to be managed from the platform itself.

This questionnaire aims to gather feedback about how the news industry is currently facing this issue and to guide the development of the InVID platform so it can assist media companies during this part of the process. The survey is composed of 6 sections, a total of 25 questions and should take you no longer than 15 minutes. Thanks for your contribution!

Please, note that the survey will be treated anonymously and no confidential or personal information will be published without your prior consent.

For taking the survey please click here.

InVID at Global Media Forum

InVID at Global Media Forum

InVID at Global Media Forum. Mr. Jochen Spangenberg, Mr. Ruben Bouwmeester and Mr. Tim Koch from Deutsche Welle, a member of the InVID consortium, will attend the Global Media Forum that will take place in Bonn, Germany on 13-15 June 2016. On the first day of the forum (13 June 2016) Jochen will participate on a panel talking about verification of User Generated Content. The title of the discussion is “Fact and fancy – how verification can protect our news.” Further details about the session can be found at:

In addition, Tim, Ruben and Jochen will take part in various hands-on verification sessions and project demos (also showing the InVID approach, its challenges and aims) to the conference audience in a dedicated area that was staffed over the entire conference duration. The overall conference attendance will be about 2,000 people, including media folks, politicians, activists and many more (for further details see also the speakers list at:

InVID at Futur en Seine digital festival

InVID at Futur en Seine digital festival

InVID at Futur en Seine digital festival. Mr. Denis Teyssou from Agence France-Presse (AFP), a member of the InVID consortium, will participate in the Futur en Seine digital festival that will take place in Paris, France between the 9th and 19th of June 2016. During the first four days of the event (9 – 12 June) Mr. Teyssou will be in the AFP stand, giving oral and poster presentations about the InVID project. The festival will be attended by professionals during the first two days and general public during the week-end. The full program of the festival can be seen at:

InVID at Workshop co-located with EU-SEA Big Data Summit

InVID at Workshop co-located with EU-SEA Big Data Summit

InVID at Workshop co-located with EU-SEA Big Data Summit. Mr. Jochen Spangenberg from Deutsche Welle, a member of the InVID consortium, took part in a verification workshop and presentation that was held in conjunction with the EU-SEA Big Data Summit, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 4 May 2016. The workshop was hosted by the Malaysian Telecoms Corp and was attended by 180 people, many of them researchers, IT personnel and students. Mr. Spangenberg gave a presentation with interactive elements, involving the audience. He talked about user-generated content, focusing on its values and possible pitfalls, respective challenges and best-practices, stressing also what is needed for its verification. The InVID project came into the discussion as a real-life example of working on solutions to verify user-generated video.

InVID at ARD Verification meeting of public broadcasters

InVID logo

InVID at ARD Verification meeting of public broadcasters. Mr. Ruben Bouwmeester from Deutsche Welle, a member of the InVID consortium, participated in the ARD verification meeting of public broadcasters in Germany, at SWR Mainz on 26 April 2016. Mr. Bouwmeester gave a general talk about verification activities, how this is tackled at media organisations, what initiatives there are (from tools to projects) and such like. His talk included mentioning of what we do in InVID with respect to video verification. The audience of the event was composed of hands-on journalists and verification experts.

InVID at EC preparatory meeting for WP 2018-2020

InVID logo

InVID at EC preparatory meeting for WP 2018-2020. Mr. Jochen Spangenberg from Deutsche Welle and Mr. Denis Teyssou from Agence France-Presse, both members of the InVID consortium, were invited to and participated in the EC preparatory meeting for WP 2018-2020. The consultation was organised by “DG CONNECT / Converging Media and Content Unit G1″, in Brussels on 19 April 2016. Mr. Spangenberg and Mr. Teyssou brought into the discussions various aspects concerning verification of User Generated Content in general, and discussed what we do in InVID with individual participants.

InVID at First Draft News

InVID at First Draft News

InVID at First Draft News. The InVID Project Coordinator Dr. Vasileios Mezaris from CERTH-ITI, the founder of EXO MAKINA Mr. Roger Cozien and the Innovation Manager of Deutsche Welle Mr. Jochen Spangenberg, all members of the InVID consortium, were interviewed by the Managing Editor of First Draft News Mr. Alastair Reid. The constantly increasing use of User Generated Content that is spead over social networks by media organizations, and the vital need to ensure that this content is verified for its credibility, copyright and newsworthiness was stressed by the partners of the InVID project. Trying to address these challenges the InVID consortium develops a knowledge verification platform to detect emerging stories and assess the reliability of newsworthy video files and content spread via social media.

Read the entire interview at: