Third issue of the InVID Newsletter
We are pleased to announce the release of the third issue of the InVID newsletter! The aim of this issue ...

InVID at ICT 2018: A wrap-up
As it was one of the final dissemination events of the InVID project, and a rather successful one, we portray ...

Fighting Disinformation through Human, Crowd and Artificial Intelligence
InVID co-organized a Networking session at ICT 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The session took place in Room L4 on December 5th. Positioned ...

Meet InVID at the ICT 2018 Event
InVID will have a booth in the ICT 2018 Exhibition, which is part of the flagship EU meeting on Information ...

InVID at the 7th media festival Naprej/Forward
The InVID project and InVID Verification Plugin were presented on Friday, Nov. 23, by Vasileios Mezaris at the 7th media ...

The force of falsity
In a lecture given at the University of Bologna in the mid-nineties, entitled "The force of falsity" and later included ...